John Thompson Libero

On behalf of Knosys, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome all Libero customers to the Knosys family. Knosys is an ASX listed (KNO) company whose mission is to empower organisations to make smart connections with their information. We do this by creating innovative software solutions, delivering information that is easy to access, secure, but more importantly, delivered with relevance and clarity. On September 1, Knosys acquired the leading Library Services Platform business which you all know as Libero. The solution is highly complementary to Knosys’ existing portfolio of SaaS solutions which includes Knowledge Management and Intranets. We are excited to begin integrating the Libero business into the group and support their continuing initiatives to bring a compelling and innovative solution to the library sector.

The Libero Library Services Platform has been successfully serving customers’ needs for more than 35 years. Knosys will continue to provide customers with the same outstanding service and resources they know so well. There will be a variety of additional benefits you will see over the next 12 months and into the future; these include growth in the Libero user base, increased capacity in software development and expanded operation teams. This will enable us to accelerate development of emerging technologies and provide customers with additional features, capabilities, whilst still maintaining exceptional value. 

We will continue to focus on the customer relationships built over the years while always ensuring that innovation, integrity, and transparency remain at the forefront of our work.

We are excited to announce that the last quarter of 2021 has the motto Virtually Together with Libero. We have the virtual Australian User Group meeting at the end of October and the renowned Libero Online Symposium returning in early December. I look forward to welcoming and meeting all our customers at these events.  

Last but not least, I want to take this opportunity to thank all Libero customers for their ongoing support, without which, we could not have reached this exciting milestone. We look forward to our continued relationship and a bright and beneficial future for all our customers.

Thank you for entrusting your organisation to us or considering our services for the future.

John Thompson

Knosys Managing Director

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