The Uno Discovery platform is now ‘live’, launched at Canterbury City Library in Sydney this April.
In its first month of implementation, Uno has significantly boost search statistics at Canterbury, maximising return on investments in the catalogue and state-wide industry key performance indicators.
“We started by looking at ways we could enhance existing technology and library’s WebOPAC to optimise our service delivery,” said Coordinator of Support Services at Canterbury Library, Jeremy Macpherson.
“We wanted patrons to be able to easily include as many sources of materials – and resources beyond the local catalogue – in one search,” he said.
Canterbury City Library selected the Australian web-based library management system LIBERO in 2009 and is one of the first to implement the fully-integrated discovery layer, Uno. Uno Discovery Cloud is the result of over four years work at Insight Informatics, the Australian specialist behind LIBERO to develop the most effective single search for users.
“We’re very proud of the results of Uno Discovery,” said Sam Patane, founder of Insight Informatics.
“While every library would love to implement a federated search service, the time and expense involved is often debilitating. LIBERO and Uno Discovery now offers libraries a simple, accessible means to rapidly enhance their services and circulation – and with single, Australian-based partner,” he said.
Branded by Canterbury as ‘SuperSearch’, Uno simultaneously searches previously disparate information sources – including nearby library services. Now easier to search via the library’s web-based OPAC, Canterbury’s various electronic databases are receiving tens of thousands, rather than dozens of hits per-quarter.
“Upon implementation of Uno, we realised an immediate increase in search statistics. These figures are used by the NSW Library Statistical Returns to help gauge state-wide library useage, so Uno is already reaping positive returns for us,” confirmed Macpherson.
“As more libraries implement a federated search or discovery platform to boost circulation, it’s important that we too ustilise the potential of technology to optimise figures related to our key performance indicators,” he said.
Fully-integrated with the LIBERO management system, Canterbury SuperSearch users can seamlessly save a search or results to their member account, or directly access and reserve items for loan as their Membership allows.
This level of connectivity between the library catalogue, the WebOPAC and different content sources was a critical factor in the selection of the Uno Discovery solution.
“I’ve found LIBERO Uno’s integration with the catalogue superior to other products,” said Macpherson. “SuperSearch users have truly seamless access to external materials – all delivered with speed and accuracy via LIBERO’s neat WebOPAC interface.”
The availability of local product support and development teams was another critical factor for Canterbury Library when selecting Uno.
“We’ve set up Uno to make the service as fast as possible. There’s an Australian-based team behind the product available by telephone to quickly address updates or customsations. With Uno, I can have updates and alterations completed within hours,” said Macpherson.
“I’m looking forward to integrating further sources of content – particularly our website and Canterbury Pictorial image databases, which will support the popularity of our family and local history services,” he said.
“If you want a federated search that is closely integrated to the catalogue, functional and accessible, LIBERO Uno Discovery Cloud is an excellent option,” said Macpherson.
LIBERO is an Australian web-based library management solution used at over 450 organisations worldwide. Libraries and organisations of all size use LIBERO to customise information services that serve the objectives of individual staff and users.
Uno is a fully-integrated discovery layer developed to make federated search services accessible to libraries of all size and user-friendly for library users.