
The Libero Library Management System

Libero Features

Elevate your library experience for members and staff with Libero.

Libero is your all-in-one library management system, incorporating an innovative library catalogue and fully hosted and powered by Libero Cloud.

Member management

Libero makes it easy for members to engage and interact with your library.
From the secure collection of information through to ongoing communication, Libero ensures the best in member experience.

Digital Resource Management

Integrate eBooks, eAudiobooks, streaming media, databases, and local history catalogues into a single unified search from leading content providers. Provide members instant access to real-time availability, one-click borrowing and reserving, and a consolidated view of all digital loans.


Comprehensive circulation management provides complete control over all facets of loans, claims, returns, reservations, and holds, helping maximise inventory efficiency so staff can carry out their tasks with ease and minimal hassle.

Coming soon! Enhance and extend member engagement and experience beyond the library to wherever they may be with the Libero Library App.
Members can access and connect digitally with your library 24 hours a day, every day of the year. Find out more here

Acquisitions and item management

Manage your library's budget and entire inventory with ease, monitor usage trends, anticipate members' interests, and transition new acquisitions onto shelves through efficient workflows.


Efficiently manage serial publications, such as journals, magazines, newspapers and annual reports with predictive list generation, claiming workflows, binding options, and precise routing list management.


The customisable Libero OPAC provides a single access point for managing and promoting resources. From integration to search, Libero provides optimal discovery across desktop and mobile for members in real-time, offering advanced search algorithms and relevance ranking.


Efficiently manage and organise library resources with customisable cataloguing templates, batch processing and support for any physical or digital format. Also ensure compliance with industry standards such as Resource Description and Access (RDA) and MARC21.

Workflow Flexibility

With the Libero Configuration Dashboard, finely tune parameters to optimise processes, streamline operations, and maintain compliance with changing regulations and industry standards.

Reports and Analytics

Analyse trends, usage patterns, and other key metrics that optimise operations, enhance services, and make strategic decisions that positively impact members and overall effectiveness.

Developed in collaboration with industry experts

All-in-One Library Management System

Libero provides a flexible solution that empowers libraries with a single, fully integrated library management system.

What Our Customers Say

“The biggest gain for our library service with moving to the cloud is that we gain precious time. In not needing to prioritise and fit in upgrades around other workflow and tasks, we can spend our time on updating settings and functionality to ensure the software meets the library’s needs.”
Richmond-Upper Clarence Regional Library

Learn more about the Richmond-Upper Clarence Regional Library experience with Libero.

“We have been with Libero from the very start and have always been impressed with the quality of their customer service. We are now cloud-based, and downtime has been minimal, and Libero staff are always working on updates to make the systems run smoothly and efficiently.”
Mid North Coast Co-operative Library

Learn more about the Mid North Coast Co-operative experience with Libero.

“Libero is a crucial part of our library operations. Without Libero, our members would not be able to borrow items, nor use the other technologies we have available in the library. Our WebOPAC also empowers our members to use library services and manage their account when outside the library. ”
Woollahra Libraries

Learn more about the Woollahra Libraries experience with Libero.

Preferred Suppliers and Proud Sponsors

LIBERO Library Management System is a WALGA Preferred Supplier
LIBERO Library Management System is a Procurement Australia Authorised Supplier
LIBERO Library Management System is listed with Localbuy
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Libero delivers fully-integrated, real-time library management solutions.