PLV Conference

Three hundred people attended the first Public Libraries Victoria Conference (PLV) recently.

As exhibition sponsor, LIBERO’s new Business Development Manager, Chris Thewlis, was showing off some of the management systems best features.

“There was great support for the entire event,” said Chris.

“Apart from seeing all of the amazing Victorian libraries in attendance, the open address by Matt Finch, former Creative-in-Residence, State Library of Queensland titled ‘Where do you go when you are already pretty awesome’ was a standout piece for me.

Overall, the feel was that it was a great event and I hope they run it again.”

Next up for LIBERO is the New South Wales Public Library Association SWITCH 2019 Conference is up next on LIBERO’s event calendar.

“With LIBERO having a huge customer base in New South Wales, I can’t wait to get in front of the Libraries down there and show the exciting things we’ve got coming up,” Chris continued.

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