With our extensive collection of Crystal Reports, you can quickly prepare highly formatted, pixel-perfect reports. Create personalised reports for every situation – from forecasting to presenting the library’s latest performance figures to the senior management team.
Libero’s personalised Crystal Reports provide a powerful business intelligence tool that allows library staff to design, modify and run reports. It transforms data into meaningful information that the library can use to make appropriate decisions about its operations.
Libero customers also benefit from having our support team create additional templates for them, saving customers time in creating these reports themselves. As a customer, you can therefore quickly and easily identify trends, collect statistics and produce lists.
Currently, there are 179 reports to choose from, including newly added statistical reports that list, for example, members by age and gender, active members by category and branch or archived members.
If you are a Libero Cloud User, these reports have been automatically added to your Community Reports to run at any time.
Alternatively, you can view and download all Crystal Reports from the Libero Exchange Portal if you are not with Libero Cloud.