Riverina choose LIBERO Cloud

“Anything is possible” with LIBERO Cloud, say Riverina Regional Libraries

Insight Informatics, an internationally recognised library management provider, is proud to announce that its largest library consortia, Riverina Regional Library (RRL), has chosen to upgrade to LIBERO Cloud.

RRL’s, Support and eServices Coordinator, Brian Plummer says that the upgrade to LIBERO Cloud significantly reduces the “system’s management” load on RRL’s Support and eServices staff.

“With LIBERO Cloud’s Immediate Software Upgrades, the responsibility for maintaining and upgrading servers, software, security, and network infrastructure shifts from RRL to Insight,” said Brian.

“There is no need to schedule in suitable times to load new releases, upgrades etc. This also allows staff to learn and adapt to new functionality in a much more manageable and incremental manner.”

“RRL staff can focus on managing services, not servers.”

RRL includes 19 branches, serves 140,000 residents, and covers 48,000km2 with the help of its Mobile Library Service.

Executive Director, Robert Knight, believes the transition to LIBERO Cloud creates a more efficient library service that keeps with their strategic objective of Innovation and Continuous Improvement.

“Our transition to LIBERO Cloud creates significant efficiencies for a large multi-branch service operating over an extensive geographic area,” said Robert.

“This provides enhanced security, a more streamlined process for software upgrades, as well as staff productivity benefits related to the shift to an outsourced model.”

As well as Immediate Upgrades, staff are excited to use some of LIBERO Cloud’s exclusive features such as Relevance Search.

“Relevance Searching will revolutionise the searching experience for both library staff and users,” Brian continued.

“With LIBERO Cloud, the most exciting thing is that anything is possible, innovation is not controlled by local constraints.”

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