Libero’s Library Managaement System has introduced connectors for both IndyReads and Gale.
IndyReads and Gale are providers of digital library services They offer web based OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) connectors that allow libraries to integrate their catalogues with their digital lending platforms.
The Indyreads WebOPAC Connector allows libraries to integrate the IndyReads platform with their existing library management system [LMS]. IndyReads is a digital lending platform for libraries that offers a wide range of eBooks and audiobooks. The Connector creates a link between the library’s eLibrary portal and the IndyReads platform, enabling patrons to view, reserve and borrow IndyReads titles alongside physical items in the library’s collection.
The Gale WebOPAC Connector enables libraries to integrate their Gale digital resources with their existing LMS. Gale is a leading provider of digital resources for research and education, including databases, eBooks, and digital archives. Once installed, the Connector creates a search option from the WebOPAC and the Gale resources, enabling customers to search and access Gale content directly from the library’s catalogue.
Libero continuously innovates and improves its Library Management System with an eye on the future, ensuring that libraries remain relevant and meet the needs of an ever-evolving society. Interested in finding out more how Libero can support ever changing libraries? Contact our team of experts to book a consultation.