LIBERO is proud to again support the annual Australian Law Librarians Association (ALLA) Conference to be held in Sydney this September.
The latest management features – including LIBERO’s seamless discovery layer, UNO will be on display alongside LIBERO’s much-loved serials and reporting tools that simplify the life of thousands of librarians across Australia, Africa and Europe daily.
Among the live demonstrations at LIBERO’s exhibition, delegates will be able to watch how easy real-time updates are made to the catalogue and client devices – a laptop, ipad or smartphone.
“It is simple, yet reliable functions such as LIBERO’s dynamic workflow toolbars, drop-down menus and instant notifications that make it one of the most easy-to-use solutions available to boost a librarian’s service capacity,” said Library Solutions Consultant Carolyn Law.
Delegates looking to convert to an electronic catalogue will be interested in LIBERO’s Digital Library functionality which makes the process of converting a paper document to an electronic record that is discoverable at the WebOPAC quick and seamless.
“I have worked with many different systems as a librarian, and have found the real-time integration in LIBERO just remarkable. It carries right through the system to all users – and as they want it – to enhance processing for a one-person-library, to a team of library staff and all clients using a single system”, she said.
Version 6 is the latest, web-based version of LIBERO – an Australian-made and supported LMS that currently supports over 450 libraries and organisations across Australia and Europe. The system’s functional flexibility makes it a cost effective, scalable and feature-rich solution for libraries of any budget, size and specialisation.
For a LIBERO demonstration, pricing or a reference site, contact Carolyn Law:
Phone 07 3356 3631