What is Total Experience (TX) for libraries?

Total Experience (TX) aims to create an all-around experience for everyone interacting with your library. On the one hand, you have your library users, such as students researching, parents reading their first book to their toddlers, or the elderly coming to the library to use the internet. On the other hand, you have library staff, providing access to knowledge and library services for your library users.

Each person experiences the library differently. All experiences add up to the “Total Experience” that needs to be optimised.

3 ways Knosys’ Libero elevates your Total Experience strategy.

To stay relevant, libraries need to offer experiences that are fast, convenient, intuitive and deliver exactly what staff and library users need.

1. Delivering customer-centric library services

Implementing a library management system with customer-centric features and state-of-the-art technology will increase the value of a library service before, during and after service delivery. Libero allows for customisation of your digital library to maximise the library experience. LMS’s play a significant role in supporting libraries to deliver excellent library services. Libero regularly collaborates closely with its customers from public, academic and special libraries, and understands from them what is needed to keep their members happy, as such Libero is developed in collaboration with librarians.

2. Libero LMS allows streamlined processes

With the implementation of a comprehensive LMS like Libero, you can provide your library staff with an all-in-one solution that includes a full set of features they need to perform their duties.

Libero centralises all your services, supporting acquisitions, management and provision of print and digital resources.

Streamlining processes will free up library staff to work with members on the things that really make a difference: the chat, the author event, parent and child gatherings, and the dementia group.

3. Open for connection

The most effective way to get staff and library users to embrace an LMS is the ease of use. Libero has been designed to provide a compelling, integrated and innovative solution by centralising everything that matters to your library.

Libraries using Libero can integrate with external e-resource platforms to create a single point of discovery as well as incorporate financial applications, fee management systems, event management systems and other external systems that the library may wish to use.

To stay relevant, libraries need to be brave and innovative.

Libraries are at a turning point. The way library users access and consume information and the way library staff perform their duties have changed dramatically in recent years – and this is not solely because of the pandemic. This presents libraries around the world with great challenges but also opportunities. Many libraries have made huge progress by adapting to the ongoing needs of society, reinforcing their key role and importance.

Libraries are now actively rolling out the library of the future, which not only continues to provide access to literature but also has the leading-edge technology to ensure that access is offered to all members of the community.

Libraries are now becoming “people-centred not collections centred”

Interested in discovering more about how Libero can deliver a total experience for your library? Get in touch with our team of experts to book a consultation

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