Searching in LIBERO is very powerful. As well as Relevance Ranking, Full Text Searching is now available on LIBERO Cloud.
This means all text in PDF, Word, Text in PowerPoint documents can be fully indexed. As soon as a document is attached to a record and saved, it will be full-text indexed and searchable.
Searches include the ability to retrieve all data being searched in bibliographic records and indexed attachments or can be limited to indexed attachments only.
Let’s look at a couple of examples:
PDF Documents
This format is being used by libraries more and more to store historical data within their catalogue like: newspaper articles, family trees, research papers, and more.
With Full Text Search, LIBERO can read the PDF to find the word or name and pin point exactly where that word is making research easier.
WORD Documents
The ability to catalogue and store information such as: reports, budgets, accounting information, and more is important, especially in Corporate and Special Libraries. The ability to retrieve the data however, is what’s outstanding in LIBERO.
Full Text Search allows you to search for key words within that information; maybe a specific transaction from accounting, a marketing campaign in the budget, or the name of the person accountable for the report.
PowerPoint Presentations
PowerPoint is a key tool in schools, Universities, and the workplace.
For schools and universities, student presentations can be made to learn the basics or present an assignment in a visual way.
In the corporate world, people make presentations for event slides, training programmes, and meetings.
Full Text Searching can search through slides to ensure you find what you are looking for.
To learn more about Full Text Searching, call the team on (07) 3356 3631 or by email.
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