Client Stories

Libero Customer Stories

Delivering the best experiences for both members and staff is what Libero is all about.

Read our customer stories to discover how we’ve helped elevate the library experience and why Libero is the best library management solution for them.

“With Libero, we have a highly reliable and user-friendly interface that ensures we can support our community with access to our catalogue and services.”
Edward River Library
“Libero is the backbone of our library operations. Libero provides an enhanced experience for both staff and borrowers alike. We are pleased with the positive impact Libero has had on streamlining our day-to-day operations’.”
Mid-North Coast Co-operative
“Libero is a crucial part of our library operations. Without Libero, our members would not be able to borrow items, nor use the other technologies we have available in the library.”
Woollahra Libraries
Eurobodalla Libraries

Eurobodalla Libraries Wins Libero Design Award for Preserving Local History 

Eurobodalla Libraries was recognised with the Knosys Libero Design Award 2024 for their project, “Stories of the Eurobodalla”. Eurobodalla Libraries used Libero’s custom pages to effectively present and preserve local oral histories, including those from the Black Summer bushfires. The…
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Woollahra Libraries cut stocktaking time and errors with Libero

The winner of the Knosys Libero Innovation Award 2024 is Woollahra Libraries for improving their stocktake processes. Previously, stocktaking was time-consuming and prone to errors. With the help of Libero, the library introduced a more efficient system, reducing manual work…
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Edward River Library Recognised with Libero Diversity & Inclusion Award for Outstanding Community Engagement

Edward River Library, a Libero customer since 2002, has been recognised for their recent successful community initiatives with the Diversity & Inclusion award for 2024. Through Edward River Library’s targeted outreach program, the library identified an opportunity to improve access…
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Highlights from the Knosys Libero User Group Conference and Awards 2024

On September 13th 2024, Libero customers came together from across Australia and met in Sydney for the Knosys Libero User Group Conference and Awards. The annual conference provides an opportunity for Libero customers to be updated on upcoming features, network,…
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Glen Innes Severn Public and TAFE Library re-signs with Libero  

Knosys is delighted to announce that Glen Innes Severn Public and TAFE Library has re-signed with the Libero Library Management System (LMS) for another 5 years.  A valued customer of Libero since 1998, Glen Innes made the decision to re-sign…
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Mid North Coast Co-operative Wins Libero Design Award 2023, highlighting the Power of the Vendor/Customer Partnership

The Knosys Libero Design Award 2023 was this year awarded to the Mid North Coast Co-operative for their collaborative work with the Knosys Libero team in designing their new website. Enhancing the Member Experience We asked Gabby McDonald, Librarian at Mid North…
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Richmond-Upper Clarence Regional Library Wins Libero Diversity & Inclusion Award, Shining a Light on a Collaborative Partnership

Richmond-Upper Clarence Regional Library, winners of the 2023 Knosys Libero Diversity and Inclusion award, recently partnered with the Evans Head Living Museum. Their collaboration involved integrating the museum’s book collection into their library’s catalogue. This initiative aims to enhance visibility…
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Highlights from the Knosys Libero User Group Conference 2023

On September 12th, 2023, Libero customers came together from across Australia and met in Sydney for the Knosys Libero User Group Conference. This event provided a platform for Libero customers to be updated on all the latest features, network with…
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Woollahra Libraries re-sign for 5 years with Libero

We are delighted to announce the re-signing of Woollahra Libraries, a customer since 2004.  The contract runs for 5 years, for the continued use of our Library Management Solution. After an extensive tender process, Libero was chosen due to its…
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Why Waverley Library Selected Libero’s Innovative LMS

Roniet Meyerthal at Waverley Library gave us a video testimonial. In the video, Roniet talks about her experience with Libero and explains why they chose our innovative library management system … Read More
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The Leipzig Bach Archive migrates to Libero Cloud

The Leipzig Bach Archive migrates to Libero Cloud

The Leipzig Bach Archive has gained widespread recognition as the world’s pre-eminent centre of Bach scholarship. Based in Leipzig, Germany, the city where Johann Sebastian Bach lived from 1723 until his death, the archive documents and researches the life and…
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LIBERO Local History

Isaac Libraries Choose LIBERO to Showcase Their Cultural Heritage and Digital Collections

One System – All Types of Material When Isaac Libraries embarked on a search for a new library management solution, they looked for a system that could also manage their local history and museum collections, and LIBERO provided just that.…
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Heinsberg Public Library Goes Live on LIBERO Cloud

Heinsberg Public Library Goes Live on LIBERO Cloud

With LIBERO Clouds hosted infrastructure, libraries can save themselves any IT worries and costs and benefit from several advantages, such as instant upgrades. We spoke to Mr Sonntag from Heinsberg Public Library and asked him a few questions about how…
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Senckenberg LIBERO Cloud

The Senckenberg Natural History Collections in Dresden Opt for LIBERO Cloud to Meet the Ever-Changing Technological Environment

The Senckenberg Natural History Collections in Dresden were the first German libraries to switch to LIBERO’s fully managed premium cloud service in 2020. The advantages offered by LIBERO Cloud were crucial for the institute and helped significantly to drive the…
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Filderstadt Public Library

The Filderstadt Public Library Upgrades to Latest LIBERO Version (V6.4)

The Filderstadt Public Library is a long-standing customer of LIBERO since 2005. For many years, the library has received its support through our former German distributor; however, since the structural changes in favour of our European customers at the beginning…
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Cottbus City and Regional Library

Cottbus City and Regional Library After the Compulsory Shutdown

The Cottbus City and Regional Library is a long-time LIBERO user and has been using the LIBERO library management system and the LIBERO WebOPAC since 2001. In 2013, the Cottbus City and Regional Library and the head office of the…
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Burdekin Library Moves to LIBERO Cloud

Burdekin Library Is Moving From Sirsi-Dynix Symphony/BlueCloud to LIBERO Cloud

We are proud to announce that Burdekin Library has chosen LIBERO Cloud for its library system. LIBERO Cloud is Insight Informatics hosted service, offering a vast array of customer service benefits and product functionality that far exceeds a standard on-premise configuration. When asked what…
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Chemnitz University Library

Chemnitz University Library Praises LIBERO’s Excellent Customer Service

The Chemnitz University Library is the largest scientific and technical library in Western Saxony, Germany and thus also the centre of library services for this region. Founded in 1836, the library is open to the public, university staff and all…
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Broken Hill City Library

Broken Hill seeing rewards since moving to LIBERO from AMLIB

Broken Hill Library is just one of many public libraries that made the jump from AMLIB to LIBERO. We had a chat with Library Coordinator, Tracy Fraser, to see how things had changed. Why did you want to move away…
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Wentworth Shire Libraries goes Live with LIBERO Cloud

For nearly 30 years, Wentworth Shire Libraries has used LIBERO, a library management system (LMS) designed and built in-house by Australian company, Insight Informatics. Wentworth Shire Libraries, Team Leader Library Services, Emma Holgate said the ease of the LMS upgrades…
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Contact us today for a demonstration and see why our customers love Libero