Libero Company News

Attorney-General’s Department goes Live with LIBERO
The Attorney-General’s Department has gone Live with LIBERO, which will now provide a single solution library management system.

LIBERO’s new Business Intelligence and WebOPAC
Insight Informatics has been a prominent figure in library software for over 30 years. One of the first to create a web browser-based management system, develop a Google-like Relevance Search function, as well as the ability to do a Full…

Choosing LIBERO an easy decision following rave reviews from customers
“I contacted the independent libraries network and LIBERO came highly recommended” – Mount Isa Following rave reviews from other LIBERO Customers, Insight Informatics is proud to announce that Mount Isa City Library has chosen LIBERO Cloud as its hosting library…

LIBERO continues to push into WA
“LIBERO is built on a new, modern database that will continue to move forward as a library solution” Shire of Narrogin Library has chosen LIBERO Cloud to manage its library resources. LIBERO’s ability to enable any branch (or any library…

Mid North Coast go Live with LIBERO
Library team enjoying life up on LIBERO Cloud Mid North Coast Co-operative Library Service has gone Live with LIBERO Cloud and have been successful with their aim of being stress free now that Insight is looking after their system maintenance…

Tranby National Indigenous Adult Education & Training chooses LIBERO
INISIGHT INFORMATICS is proud to announce that its LIBERO Cloud library solution will host the library collection for Tranby National Indigenous Adult Education and Training (Tranby), and provide a digital repository for its unique archive collection. In the past, Tranby’s…

NSW largest consortia opts for LIBERO Cloud solution
“Anything is possible” with LIBERO Cloud, say Riverina Regional Libraries Insight Informatics, an internationally recognised library management provider, is proud to announce that its largest library consortia, Riverina Regional Library (RRL), has chosen to upgrade to LIBERO Cloud. RRL’s, Support…

No hidden costs make LIBERO stand out from the rest
LIBERO sparks new life into Broken Hill City Library Services across New South Wales. LIBERO continues to dominate in New South Wales, Australia, as Broken Hill City Library chooses LIBERO as its Library Management platform. “The all up front costing…
Latest LIBERO upgrade focuses on mobile device experience
LIBERO’s latest upgrade makes working on mobile devices more capable and enjoyable than ever. LIBERO’s development team is putting a huge amount of time and effort into our customers’ user experience. As we increase the amount we use tablets in…
LIBERO part of making Public Library history at SWITCH 2017
LIBERO by Insight Informatics was the proud sponsor of the New South Wales Public Library Association’s, SWITCH 2017 inaugural Exhibitors and Sponsors Dinner. Those who attended were part of SWITCH Conference history as the dinner was the first in what…