John Thompson Libero

Welcome from John Thompson, Knosys Managing Director – A New Chapter for Libero

On behalf of Knosys, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome all Libero customers to the Knosys family. Knosys is an ASX listed (KNO) company whose mission is to empower organisations to make smart connections with their information.…
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Knosys LIBERO - Blog

Libero Joins Forces With Industry-Leading Technology Provider Knosys

Brisbane, Australia, August 12, 2021 – Insight Informatics is excited to announce the entry of its Libero system into the Australian Stock Exchange through the acquisition of the Libero business by the newly formed company “Libero Systems Pty. Ltd.” ACN 651…
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LIBERO Cloud Data Security

LIBERO Cloud protects your data in every situation!

Data protection plays an integral role in cloud-based systems. Considering the ever-increasing number of phishing scams, identity theft, computer viruses as well as natural disasters, it is evident that Cloud providers must have extensive measures in place to protect your…
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LIBERO Cloud Germany

LIBERO’s High-Quality Cloud Hosting Infrastructure Is Now up and Running for Libraries in the EU

LIBERO’s recent establishment of LIBERO IS GmbH enabled the company to build a hosting and fully managed service infrastructure for libraries in the EU. The LIBERO team has worked intensively on this project and is pleased to announce that the…
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Announcing LIBERO IS GmbH

To better serve our German LIBERO customer base and the German library market, we are pleased to announce the establishment of LIBERO IS GmbH (LIBERO Information Systems) in Germany. This will give German library sites the option to contract directly…
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Another long-standing customer migrates to LIBERO Cloud

Richmond-Upper Clarence Regional Library, a LIBERO customer for nearly three decades, has migrated its library management system (LMS) to LIBERO Cloud. Richmond Valley Council, Library Manager, Gary Ellem said always being on the latest version of the LMS and the…
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Armidale Regional Council Library chose LIBERO Cloud

Anticipating Enhanced User Experience Armidale Regional Council Library chose LIBERO Cloud as its library system solution for two reasons, to keep ahead of the curve and because of its previous experience with LIBERO customer service. “The customer support provided by…
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Business Intelligence Dashboard

Imagine being able to open your computer and have all the answers to management’s questions. Circulation figures, popular genres, whatever you need all in the one place. Imagine no more with the Business Intelligence Dashboard soon to be included in…
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LIBERO Customer Service

Customer Service is our primary concern and we won’t make you jump through hoops when you need help. Whether you’re keen on self-help or exploring tips on features, need some advice on implementing a new feature or have a time…
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SWITCH Conference 2018

Insight Informatics is again proud sponsor of the Exhibitors and Sponsors Dinner at the NSW Public Libraries Association, SWITCH Conference 2018 taking place November 27th – 30th. Insight informatics is dedicating this year’s dinner to the Brainchild Foundation, a charity…
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