Are you able to write your own reports? And did you know that LIBERO comes with a full data dictionary?
Why is this important?
Well it means that you can identify and extract whatever information out of the system that you want and drop it into your report. It’s your data to access when and however you want.
LIBERO comes with a full suite of reports, covering all your library’s needs but if however, you would like to have a go at creating your own reports, then LIBERO’s data is easily accessible.
If you’re proud of your own report style, you can share it with the LIBERO family by sending it through to LIBERO Support.
Unlike some other library software platforms, LIBERO is a contemporary product, so anyone with standard skills in any ODBC compliant tool can create any report with LIBERO data.
What does this mean?
Do you or any of your team have skills in standard programmes such as Excel, Crystal Reports, or Microsoft Access? Or any other contemporary tool? Then you can easily create your own customised reports with data from LIBERO!
Because our software is current, all contemporary tools can access the data. You don’t need to learn how to write code to access our data and write your own reports. Simply use the Crystal Reports built-in report designer wizard to guide you through step-by-step.
And of course, all at no additional cost.
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